Showing posts with label game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label game. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2012

How fast can you fly with your magician in shadowrun 4

Today, reading the book, i spend some time on the levitate spell. And i realize something :

In this game, you can fly very very quickly!

Let's compute some little thing :

The levitate spell say that the subject can be moved at a movement rate equal to the Force of the spell X net spell casting hits in meter per turn ( In the 20th anniversary edition, check the errata if you have a previous one) . This is quite awesome !

So if you overcast your spell, at a force 12 , and that you have an average 15 dice for your spell casting roll ( 6 in magic + 5 spell casting + 2 spa manipulation + 2 power focus for example ), this mean an average 5 success on your roll.

So you're value is 12 * 5 = 60 meter per combat turn. But remember that a combat turn is 3 second, so we have a 20 meter / second. Great, this mean we have reach 72km/hours. Not so bad.

But we can enhance this again :)

Let's look now on the movement critters power. This allow you to multiply or divide the target's movement rate by the spirit's Magic. And when you summon a spirit, his magic is equal to the spirit's force. So let's keep min-maxing, and we will summon a force 12 spirit ( and hope you survived the summon ^^. This is an average DV of 8 for the drain, so you should survive it).

So now, your speed could be increase by a 12 factor.

20 meter/second * 12 = 240 meter/second, this mean 864 km/hours . Great ! , you ve got through the sound barrier ! And you re even faster than the concorde ! (Speed example)

Now, if you push yourself a little more, you can almost reach Mach 1. How ? Just add some edge to your spellcasting test for example.

You can roll 18 dice : 6 (magic) + 6 (spellcasting) + 2 (specialization) + 2 (power focus) + 2 (mentor spirit). If you add an average 4 edge for example, you have around 22 dice with the rule of six, meaning around 25 dice. An average 8 success by the end.
So your speed in meter will be 384 meter / second , this mean 1 382,4 km/hours. A little bit above MACH 1 .

But, don't forget something : Can you survive this speed ? Because you will get the frictional force in your face ! And this will slowly burn your skin. So if you have something to protect you from this, wear it !

As an information, here is the fly speed of a great dragon using a levitate spell with a force of 24 and  summoning a spirit of air with a force of 24 ( assuming he survive the summon).

24* 8 ( average roll result of magic 12 + spellcasting 8 ) =   192 meter by combat turn, so we divide by 3 to have 64 m / second. With a 24 force spirit , this mean a 1536 m / second, around the speed of a rocket 5529, 4 km / hours.

If the dragon add his edge to the spellcasting test , he will have 26 dice, with 4 possible 6 coming up, this mean an average 10 result.

Base on this we have :

24*10 = 240 / 3 = 80 m/S *24 = 1920 m / s = 6 912 km/hours.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Shadowrun returns

Today i found something that i would like to share ^^

I found a site that will do something that i have got in my mind since a long time : Create a game about shadowrun :

Here the site : Shadowrun Returns

They have already reach enough fund to start the development of the game , and are even billionaire ! But with a so good game, that s quite normal ;)

 Hope to see it soon. I ve try to go throughout the whole site, but can't already found some picture,  or even game concept. I ve not even found the version of shadowrun that will be used. But the team look like quite motivated and enjoy it look like they have some great ambition. Now, we have to wait for the development. And if you read me, i would like to be a beta tester ! ^^

For french reader, if you are like me and you enjoy playing your favorite game on the net, i would suggest you INS/ that is also a great game online in 2 dimension and turn by turn combat. It's also a great game, and if you got time , you can even try the beta test ;)