Saturday, February 9, 2013

The power of a LMG

So, recently, i ve play some game, and i ve test a so good weapon : The light machin gun.

So, for MJ, here is some quick tips on how to do it.

1) Full shoot. This action take you a complexe action and you take a recoil of 9 and the compensation is currently at 6. If you have some tripod, this is fully compensate. But don't remember that on these weapon, each point of recoil not compensated are doubled. So if you have a recoil of 3 points , this mean minus 6 dices.

But the big advantage of the full shoot is that your DV increase by 9 !

So, the LMG, standard weapon that you can buy at character creation, can allow you with one complexe action to do a +15DV with an AP of -1 . Quite good no ?

2) But this is not the best part. You also have the burst fire mode.

in this one , we have two mode.

The first one , take only a single action, but it can be done only in once in a round.

  • The first action is long narrow burst that increase the DV. So basically, you increase the DV +5 
  • Or you can choose long wide burst to be sure that the opponent won't dodge your bullet and give him a negative dice pool modifier of 5 for dodging your shoot. ( this options is particularly good for drone that have most of the time a low dice pool for shooting )
  • And this has a recoil of 5 if first action, 6 if second, that is currently compensated , great ! ^^
The second one take also a single action and has no restriction
  • The first action is short narrow burst that increase the DV. So basically, you increase the DV +2 
  • Or you can choose short wide burst to be sure that the opponent won't dodge your bullet and give him a negative dice pool modifier of 2 for dodging your shoot. ( this options is particularly good for drone that have most of the time a low dice pool for shooting )
  • And this has a recoil of 2 if first action, 3 if second, that is currently compensated , great ! ^^

So if you want that you're team of 3 rotodrone with a pilot of 4 and targeting 4 , got a chance to put that runner down, just start as follow and don't forget this rule : "Character get a dice pool modifier to dodge/reaction test to avoid bullet equal to the time they have dodge before". 

So basically , round 1 is like that : 

Round 1 , IP1 

Rotor drone 1 
- long wide burst ( oppononent dodge at his full reaction - 5 from burst  )
- short wide burst  (opponnent dodge at reaction -1 from previous attack -2 for burst 
Rotor done 2
- short narrow burst ( opponent dodge at reaction -2 from previous attack )
- long narrow burst ( opponent dodge at reaction -3 from previous attack)
Rotor drone 3 ( roll only two dice for this attack )
- Full burst ( opponent dodge at reaction -4 from previous attack ) 

Remember that if the character don't give up his next action to add his dodge or gymnastic, he has only his reaction to avoid the bullet. 

- If player try to have cover, spend a coordinate action of the 3 drone to destroy the cover. With a DV of 15, only wall can resist, but not the sofa, car, and so on